Flax seed are small seeds. It is round and oval in shape. dark brown bark yellow flesh It has a slightly oily taste. Flaxseed is a member of the flax family (Linaceae), like flax. Flax seeds are native to the Mediterranean region.
Flaxseed can be eating in many ways, such as sprinkling it on food, adding it to smoothies, or adding it to breakfast foods such as granola or oatmeal. Flax seeds can also be ground into a powder for use in cooking. The recommend amount of flaxseed is 1 tablespoon per day, or approximately 28 grams, which can be eating every day.
In addition to flax seeds, you can eat them whole. People also like to process flax seeds into other products such as flax seed oil. Flaxseed flour for baking and flax seed salad dressing This UFABET has collected the health benefits of flax seeds and ideas for eating them to add nutritional value to your favorite dishes.
Relieve abnormal symptoms during menopause: Lignans have the ability to naturally adjust estrogen, making them beneficial for menopausal women. Taking Flaxseed helps relieve hot flashes. mood swings including alleviating problems Hair can fall out due to lack of hormones.
Helps reduce hair loss: Flexseed is a source of various vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins. and magnesium Including many essential amino acids that are components of the hair, Omega 3 and Lignan will help nourish the hair to be strong and shiny. Restores the scalp and reduces chronic hair loss problems. It also makes the newly grown hair look healthy.
Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease: While trans fats are the culprit, flaxseed is the hero because. It is a source of good quality Omega 3 from plants that helps reduce cholesterol levels. And also has lignans that have antioxidant properties. Reduce inflammation And blockage of blood vessels. Omega 3 has been found to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. And cerebrovascular disease by up to 14%
Helps reduce the severity of diabetes: Flakes contain fiber and lignans. Which have properties that can help reduce insulin resistance in diabetic patients. From blood tests of diabetic patients who regularly took flaxseed for at least 1 month, compared to diet control alone. Found that blood sugar values decreased by up to 20%.
Prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer: Lignans in flaxseed, in addition to having antioxidant properties. And has the ability to help balance the estrogen hormone (estrogenic) in a natural way. This will help reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 18%. But it is not that it is only beneficial in women because there is still showing that. It can help reduce the rate of prostate cancer in men as well. It also helps to make sperm strong and healthy. Increase your chances of having children.